Fall 2023

NOTE: Any instance of <T> represents your team number. For example, if you're on Team 8, 172.18.13.<T> translates to


Internal and External DNS server serving as the digital phonebook for your network. Some assembly required!

Service Requirements

Scoring Details


Required Domains:

DNS Address IP Description
ns1.team<T>.cnyhackathon.org 172.18.13.<T> Public DNS Nameserver
www.team<T>.cnyhackathon.org 172.18.13.<T> Public Web Nameserver
shell.team<T>.cnyhackathon.org 172.18.14.<T> Public SSH server
files.team<T>.cnyhackathon.org 172.18.14.<T> Public File Share
www.team<T>.net 192.168.<T>.5 Internal Alias for Web server
db.team<T>.net 192.168.<T>.7 Internal Alias for MySQL server
ns1.team<T>.net 192.168.<T>.12 Internal Alias for DNS Server

Note that <T> represents the team's number

DNS Lookup (External)

The above addresses containing .cnyhackathon.org should be publicly available and will be scored through the router, and checked for both forward and reverse lookups.

DNS Lookup (Internal)

The above addresses containing .team<T>.net will be scored from inside the participant's network, and checked for both forward and reverse lookups.


A suspiciously sourced PHP Web Application with a MySQL backend Database. The docs said the config file is found in /var/www/html and the MySQL database can be recovered using the setup file betterblog.sql, but not much else. It also claimed to be “super secure” when configured correctly, whatever that means.

Service Requirements

Scoring Details


Note that all Web checks are scored through the router

WWW Content


The Root CA cert for the ca.cnyhackathon.org server has the hash 761e8fbafabceac17680a28c82a097d2.

A valid certificate can be generated by using the following command:

certbot --server  https://ca.cnyhackathon.org/acme/acme/directory

Warning: Certbot will add a random sleep delay when run non-interactively. When automating certbot SSL renewal, use the flag --no-random-sleep-on-renew to ensure the check runs within the allotted time, as our renewal window is shorter than a standard certificate.

NOTE: The domain www.team<T>.cnyhackathon.org will be resolved using the participants DNS server!


Data storage server used to power the web application. An initial backup of the MySQL database was taken and stored at /root/betterblog.sql. The data is synced to the QA department via an automated task that reads MySQL directly. The QA Department occasionally writes data back to the database as well.

Service Requirements

Scoring Details


The MySQL services are scored from the internal team network, using the internal IP address of 192.168.<T>.7.

Recovery Instructions

MySQL Commands for restoring the database schema:

mysql betterblog -u betterblog -p < /root/betterblog.sql



Established Shell Server and File Share for staff and external associates, and must be kept online at all costs.

Service Requirements

Scoring Details


ssh-rsa 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 SCORING KEY DO NOT REMOVE
SSH Login


FTP Login
FTP Write
FTP Content